Behind the Scenes


For me, it all starts with a notebook. In it are character bios, random bits of dialogue, lists, and tables to help me figure out how the antagonist moves throughout the story and anything else from my brain. What do you start with? Do you scribble on a napkin or use writing software? It all comes down to personal preference.

I grew up when you wrote a draft of your essay by hand and then typed it up for the final draft. I know! It sounds nuts by today’s standards, but that’s what we did in elementary school. Once in junior high, we switched to typing on the very early Apple computers (yes, I’m ancient).

Anyway, the world of Bluebelle Detective Agency began in this notebook pictured to the right. It’s where I wrote down everything and anything about Rose I could think of. Minor characters you won’t see in (hopefully) future books—and simple plots for about ten novels/novellas.

It seems silly to write about the future when I haven’t even finished my first, but that’s the freedom of notebooks. You can draft whatever you want between the pages. They are yours to fill with dreams of the present and the future.

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